Schedule of Events
Audio/Visual Equipment
The following equipment will be provided in all plenary, parallel and workshop sessions: a Mac computer loaded with Keynote and PowerPoint, an LCD projector and a lavaliere microphone.
Presenters must arrive 45 minutes prior to the start of their session. Please have your presentation stored on a thumb drive. While both Windows and Mac OS formats will be accepted, Mac OS is preferred. Everyone’s presentations will be loaded on the meeting computer.
Rooms and times have been reserved for workshops on Thursday and Saturday afternoons. Individuals interested in organizing a workshop should contact Oliver Hobert at Workshop organizers should include the title, names and institutions of all organizers, and a preliminary format. Workshop organizers will be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the workshop, including speaker presentations. The workshop schedule must be received by May 2, 2011 to be included in the program book.

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