GSA offers educational programming for undergraduate researchers; graduate students and postdoctoral trainees; genetics students at local undergraduate institutions and genetic educators. Below is a listing of the events that will be offered at the C. elegans
Thursday, June 27, 2013
GSA Careers Luncheon - SOLD OUT
DeNeve Private Dining Room
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
The GSA Careers Luncheon is an excellent opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to have informal conversations with senior career scientists regarding the unique challenges and rewards of a scientific career. The luncheon is organized by topic table. Topics may include: transition to independence, work-family balance, teaching at undergraduate institutions, non-academic careers for scientists, the when, how, and why of networking, dealing with difficult colleagues, etc. After getting your lunch, you can proceed to the main dining room to explore several different topics, or to the private dining room to focus on careers outside academia. The tables are labeled with the topic to be discussed; seating is first-come, first-served.
Undergraduate Mixer
Northridge Room
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Undergraduate conference attendees will meet to network and form a peer-group that will provide lasting support for the remainder of the conference.
Teaching Workshop I - What is Life Like at a Predominantly Undergraduate (i.e. Teaching) Institution and How Can I Get a Job at One?
Northwest Auditorium
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This workshop should be of interest to graduate students and postdocs who are considering a career at a predominately undergraduate institution (PUI). The challenges facing faculty members at PUIs are substantially different from those typically encountered at a research university and the job search process is also quite different. A panel of C. elegans researchers who are employed at different types of PUIs will discuss issues such as teaching loads, research expectations and opportunities, how to find PUI job openings, and hiring criteria at PUIs.
Friday, June 28, 2013
The Genetics Conference Experience - Invitation Only
Royce Hall, Donor's Lounge
12:00 pm - 3:30 pm
The GSA Genetics Conference Experience provides students from genetics classes at local undergraduate institutions with the unique opportunity to observe distinguished career scientists present their current research in a conference setting. The students, accompanied by their professor, will receive a background lecture and participate in an interactive discussion before attending part of a plenary session. This informative and engaging program is meant to give students a glimpse into the real world of genetic research, and is NOT intended for students who are already involved in scientific research. It will provide students with the opportunity to learn about current scientific research outside of a textbook, witness the communication of scientific research first-hand, and ideally will foster an interest in furthering their science education. It is free of cost, and invitation-only.
GSA Careers Luncheon - SOLD OUT
DeNeve Private Dining Room
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm
The GSA Careers Luncheon is an excellent opportunity for undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to have informal conversations with senior career scientists regarding the unique challenges and rewards of a scientific career. The luncheon is organized by topic table. Topics may include: transition to independence, work-family balance, teaching at undergraduate institutions, non-academic careers for scientists, the when, how, and why of networking, dealing with difficult colleagues, etc. After getting your lunch, you can proceed to the main dining room to explore several different topics, or to the private dining room to focus on careers outside academia. The tables are labeled with the topic to be discussed; seating is first-come, first-served.
GSA Education Special Interest Group Mixer
Northwest Auditorium
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Faculty with a passion for genetics education are encouraged to attend this mixer, where they can mix and mingle with other educators. Current members of the Education SIG can catch up on actions taken by GSA with regards to the education initiative, and those who are not yet SIG members can learn about the Education SIG.
Teaching Workshop II – Building a Successful and Sustainable Program of Scholarship at a PUI.
Northwest Auditiorium
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm
This workshop will be of primary interest to those currently employed at predominantly undergraduate institutions (PUIs) at any stage in their career. A panel of PUI veterans will lead a discussion focused on the balance between teaching and research, best practices for research with undergraduate students, how to write successful grant proposals, and issues surrounding publications including the idea of the Least Publishable Unit (LPU), recommended journals to target, and personal experiences with various journals, their editorial boards, reviewers, etc.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
GSA Plenary Session and Workshop for Undergraduate Researchers
Southbay Room
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Undergraduate conference attendees will attend an “Undergraduate Plenary Session”, with talks presented at a level appropriate for an undergraduate audience. Undergraduates will have a chance to talk to a panel of graduate students about graduate school, after which students will have a chance to break into small groups and participate in a discussion about a specific topic relevant to graduate school applications, admission, CV preparation and funding.
Teaching Workshop III - Educating Scientists for the 21st Century: Focus on
High-Impact Learning Strategies
Sunset Village Study Lounge
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
This workshop should be of interest to educators at all levels and types of institutions who have a dedicated commitment to teaching. The presenters at this workshop will share innovative teaching materials and techniques, with an emphasis on those that are used in, or can be adapted to, smaller class sizes. The presentations will include, but are not limited to, C. elegans-based approaches, interdisciplinary courses/programs related to developmental biology, active learning exercises, and high-tech applications that have been used effectively in the classroom.
Important Dates
Meeting Registration Deadline |
May 22, 2013 |
Platform and Poster Assignments Available online |
May 22, 2013 |
Housing Reservation Deadline |
June 7, 2013 |
Abstract Search and Program Planner online |
June 14, 2013 |
Mobile website available |
June 18, 2013 |
Thank You to our Sponsors

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